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Friday, August 12, 2011

BSATCOP is coming free to a computer/iPhone near you.

A message from BSATCOP Writer/Director Jeremy Dylan:

Well, it turns out you can't trust nobody. I thought I knew my producer, Jeremy Dylan, but he was just a conniving control freak. As soon as my back was turned, the arsehole took my movie off me, cut 25 minutes off it, and decided to release it for free on the internet. What a prick.

Here's an example of the two of us having a reasonable discussion on set:

The Producer's Cut of Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins will hit YouTube on Friday, September 2nd, to co-incide with Dr. Mayo and Dr. Kermode returning to Wittertainment. Check back here or our Facebook page for the link.

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